LOve Language. wow.

Good things are happening in the desert. :) With the sacrificial assistance of a busy friend of mine, I discovered that my primary love language is communication. This means that I feel best and most loved when I have good communication with someone. This was very, VERY. good for me to understand. She also helped me understand the utmost importance of what I have named my husband’s “respect language.” I am learning the beauty and depth of God’s design for marriage….
It rained today — in the middle of the dead summer heat — and then a breathtaking rainbow showed itself right above us. He loves us… oh, how He loves us. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Open or Closed?

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us. Hmmm. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat, Sabbath or time of rest in Hebrew — and shalom means peace. It is more than just rest and peace though, it is the celebration of a work which has been completed, according to scripture. Got a lot accomplished this week so I am celebrating. Hope you all are too. Shabbat Shalom. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Love the hardships

I love my life. I love the good times but I also love the hardships because I know that they help me to grow and enable me to be a person who can better love and serve others. Just sayin. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

What are you doing next November?

Woooo Hoooo!!! Jerusalem was named one of the top 10 travel destinations for the coming year by travel review website TripAdvisor, which features more than 30 million traveler reviews. Visitors said there are just too many must-see cultural and heritage sites in Jerusalem for the city to not be in the top 10! Won’t you join our November 2011 tour?! An amazing price! A comprehensive 12 day tour of the Land — and the People! A beautiful time of year! Off the beaten path! It’s gonna be so good! Check out the itinerary at and be in touch with us! ~Thoughts from the Negev :)


I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Worth the wait

I am SO blessed to have a husband who loves me. loves his kids. loves his life and yet lays it down in order to give me the chance to walk through doors I never could without his doing so. Thank you Honey, for being so good to me and for being such a good abba to the kiddos. You are the love of my life and I will purpose to cherish you more. ♥ Um… note to all my single ladies — don’t settle for less than you deserve — it’s worth the wait. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Before you Criticize

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you’re a mile way….. and you have their shoes. -Author Unknown ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Shalom from the Negev Desert in Israel

Welcome to my website/blog page. You should know that unlike my amazing husband, I’m probably the least computer savvy person there is and I’m still trying to figure all this stuff out. That having been said, I will try an post a frequent clever quote or short encouraging word — maybe a thing or two to make you smile — I think I will call these “Thoughts from the Negev”. I really enjoy people and would love to get to know you! Feel free to comment and introduce me to your friends!
Many blessings, Baht Rivka ~Thoughts from the Negev :)