An episode tonight with a bug reminded me of this funny story. Before we were married, my husband took me on this sweet hiking trail, along a river not far from his house.
About a mile or two in I started hearing this loud and bizarre humming sound. “Honey,” I said, “Do you hear that buzzing sound?” “No,” he replied. Once again, I heard this strange sound and asked him “Hear that?”… still no.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. This ENORMOUS shiny bug flying along with me, right about at ear level… Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thing FOLLOWED me as I began to walk faster and yet faster until I found myself running full speed for dear life, an entire mile an half back to the car — I don’t think I have ever run so fast for so long….. and this thing stayed at my side all the way to the car. It was FREAKY!
So, the moral of today’s story is not a spiritual one, but a wise word nonetheless: I don’t care HOW BADLY you want to impress your man — never, NEVER wear perfume hiking — you might impress a big bug MORE. LOL. ~Thoughts from the Negev :)