Too Funny.

In light of our recent 9th wedding anniversary, I just had to post this hilarious story (don’t judge me, lol). Hope you get a good laugh, we all need one from time to time, y’know. A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22

An elderly woman sat on the patio with her husband of many years one beautiful evening, sipping on her glass of wine. “I love you so much,” she said reminiscently,  “I don’t know how I could ever live without you”.  Her husband paused for a moment and asked, “Is that you, or the wine talking?”  “It’s me, “she said, ………………..”talking to the wine.”

~Thoughts from the Negev :)


Wow. I just looooove surprises! And I am thoroughly convinced that the more we give away our love, our time and effort, our gifts and talents, our earthly possessions, our fears and disappointments, our will, our past, our future and whatever else to G-d and to those He puts in our path — the more wonderful surprises can come our  way. I thank G-d for His love toward us. Give yourself away!!! ~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Beware to Compare

Uggggh. It is human nature to compare ourselves one to another but the scriptures tell us it’s not such a good idea. Unfortunately, with all the technology and social networking,  it is becoming more and more difficult not to do so.

Before we know it, the information just pops up in our news feed about how one friend is just looooving his job, another is excelling at school,  got her house clean, had twins, lost weight etc, all the while it seems we are just struggling to get by.  Either that or we see how our teenage peer got pregnant, someone gets fired or divorced, and we’re feeling really quite good about ourselves. Yuck.

In the words of my wise friend Beckah Shae, “Don’t compare yourself to others– you’ll end up either hating yourself or loving yourself too much”.

~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Destiny Awaits

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
” ~Author Unknown

Not much I can add to those wise words.  G-d, please forgive us for the many thoughts, words and actions that have led us to destruction. Help us to reach your destiny for our lives!

~Thoughts from the Negev :)


Shabbat Peace

“Trials are medicines which our gracious and wise Physician prescribes because we need them; and he proportions the frequency and weight of them to what the case requires. Let us trust his skill and thank him for his prescription.” ~Issac Newton
May our Shabbat be full of gratitude for these trials we face, and may we experience great peace knowing they are for our good.
~Thoughts from the Negev :)

Hold On.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy gosh. I just discovered the musical lyrical genius of one B. Reith —-I loooove this guy! And I can totally relate to his hilarious lyrics on the song “Knockin’ on My Door”

So… many of you have been asking me if I’m ever gonna do some new music. Ummm. The short answer is yes. I have direction and I am working on new stuff. As for the direction for this next album, after thinking, praying, asking for your thoughts, I am aiming for a younger, more rhythmic sound. Kind of a mix between Beckah Shae and this guy I just found, B. Reith — along with some other surprise sounds and possibly guest singers. And I want to continue in Hebrew.  However — there may be some English on this album as well. We will see where it goes.

But these things take TIME… and money… and a really good producer…. all things that I am currently in the market for.  Any suggestions?

We are planning to go back to the US for another tour in late fall (I know… that soon?) and I am aiming to start recording at some point then. I still have all the $$ that came in through a few kind supporters, (just so you know I didn’t go on a shopping spree) which added up to about $2300. And I am trusting the the rest will come in due time. Just to give you an idea, my last one cost close to $25,000. Yeah. Most have no idea the kind of time and cost that’s involved in making good music.

Anyway, I ask you to please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I embark on yet another musical adventure and try to hone in on my niche. Love y’all.

~Thoughts from the Negev :)



So, hello. :) It’s been a long while since my last post…. and for those who’ve been following our crazy life, I’m sure you can understand why. We have been touring all over the US with our two kiddos and it’s been exhausting.  But seriously? All of us learn so much on these trips. I am amazed at how much we each grow on each tour.  There are so many things I must update you on — new music, future tours and more. Stay tuned! ~Thoughts from the Negev :)